News from Hempstead and Wigmore Conservatives
Medway Labour refuses to rule out sale of Capstone Valley
At the Full Council meeting on 20th July 2023, Hempstead and Wigmore Councillor Jim Gilbourne asked Cllr Vince Maple Leader of Medway Labour a very simple question: -
“Will the Leader of the Council confirm that the new Labour Administration has no plans to sell any land that it owns and/or controls in Capstone Valley, opening the way to large scale house building on an important green space, which is vital to the environment and to the wellbeing of the surrounding communities?” Unfortunately Cllr Maple declined to give any undertaking stating that "Should any request be received, a decision would be one for the Cabinet based on a careful consideration of all the facts and issue."
The previous Conservative Administration under Cllr Alan Jarrett had gone out of it way to fight housing developers and to put obstacles in their way to pevent the concreting over of Capstone Valley. It would appear that the new Labour Administration is at best luke warm to protecting Capstone Valley.
As we write this newsletter we are waiting for a revised application to be presented to the Planning Committee for Gibraltar Farm. Ward Councllor, Cllr Andrew Lawrence promises residents that he and other local Conservatives will continue to oppose inappropriate and damaging development in Capstone Valley.
Medway Labour push ahead with their Red Route Proposals for Rainham.
At Cabinet on the 5th September 2023, the Labour run administration received a report on the public consultation for the Medway Labour Red Route proposal. Cllr Andrew Lawrence and Cllr Jim Gilbourne set out their opposition to the Rainham scheme in a news release on the subject.
Despite overwhelming opposition from local residents which Medway Labour have chosen to ignore and push ahead with the scheme. Cllr Lawrence commented "clearly Medway Labour aren't interested in solutions to Rainham's traffic which are getting steadily worse. What they seem to be interested in is pushing their anti-car agenda, putting up monitoring cameras and raising revenue.
Cllr Gilbourne added "We need solutions that discourage illegal parking without pepering Rianham High Street with surveillance cameras.. The Council already has significant powers to fine drivers who park on the double yellow lines along the High Street and these powers would have a deterent effect if they were actually used.
All Gillingham and Rainham Conservative Councillors and MP Reham Chishti will continue to oppose Medway Labour's Red Route Scheme for Rainham.
Wigmore Park
Andrew and Jim recently met with the Council's contractor (Medway Norse) who look after our Parks and Green Spaces following some complaints about the state of Wigmore Park. Norse agreed that the paths and some of the flower beds were not looking their best and agreed that work will be undertaken to improve the situation.
During that meeting in the park it was suggested that we set-up a Wigmore Park Group that would undertake some regular basic tasks to improve the appearance but also to help shape the look and feel of the Park for the future. If you are interested in being involved please email either Andrew or Jim with your details.
As a way to encourage more residents to use Wigmore Park, Andrew and Jim are planning a family day event in Wigmore Park on August Bank Holiday 2024. More details to follow in due course.
Blowers Wood Development
Your Ward Councillors attended a presentation from Redrow on their proposals for development of circa 80 houses on Blowers Wood. Cllr Andrew Lawrence commented that he was disappointed that the developer had seemingly ignored comments from members of the public on the basis that it had been hijacked by the Against Lidsing Development Group. Andrew added "there are a number of issues with this proposal. The impact of additional traffic movements on residents living in Wigmore Road and Bredhurst and whether access through the ancient wood into the Rise will be properly light and safe."
In a sign of things to come this development will have no access to mains gas condemning residents to reliance on Air Sourced Heat Pumps.
Medway Local Plan
Medway Council will be consulting with residents on the Local Plan. This is an important document that amongst other matters sets planning policy for 20 years into the future but also seeks views on infrastructure, jobs and green spaces. You can find out more by visting Medway Local Plan 2040. Andrew and Jim are encouraging residents to take part in the consultation and make sure your views are heard.
Check out this website for regular updates.
Temporary Travellers Site - Wigmore Coach Park
Your local Ward Councillors continue to receive and act on correspondence from concerned residents. Andrew and Jim have reminded Medway Council that the three months stay is fast approaching and that measures should be taken to secure the site and to find a more productive use for the site.
Jim Gilbourne noted that "the Council had provided some amenities for those on the site except water which is a rather odd decision. As a consequence the site residents had been looking for water from allotments and churches." Cllr Andrew Lawrence commented that he had been in a long correspondence with Officers and Labour Councillors who made the decision to place the travellers in Wigmore Coach Park. Andrew added "it is clear that Labour Councillors were instrumental in the decision to site the Travellers at the Wigmore Coach Park and without consulting Jim or I. The lack of openess about the number of families on the sites, whether the help offered by the Council had been accepted is very disappointing."
Contact Us
Andrew Lawrence (on the left)
Jim Gilbourne
Children's Services
Medway Council's Children Services team received a good determination in a recent OFSTED Inspection. This is a very good turnaround from 2019 and bodes very well for future improvements in the services. Residents might be interested to know that the Council spends £71M on Children Services.
Hempstead Boot Fair
Cllr Andrew Lawrence and Cllr Jim Gilbourne have been discussing the traffic issues that occur in both directions along Hempstead Road, Lidsing Road and Capstone Road when the Boot fair is operating. Your Ward Cllrs have insisted that measures need to be put place to reduce the traffic chaos on Boot Fair days. Cllr Gilbourne commented that "we are not against the Boot Fair per se but the operation is creating unnecessary traffic issues and some residents are being blocked from getting off their drives."
What do we get up to?
You can follow us via social media Twitter and FaceBook. We publish a regular update on our Activities and News.
Take our SURVEY on the Hempstead and Wigmore Parks.(Hempstead Playing Feilds, Wigmore Park and Kings Frith)
Councillor Surgery
Andrew and Jim will be available the last Saturday of the month to meet with residents. We are able to help with issues you have with services provided by Medway Council. Visit our Contact Us page to check on times and venues.
Metal Recycling Business
Some residents may be aware that a recycling business, based in Hempstead Road opposite the allotments, is being operated without the appropriate planning permission.
The operator has appealed against the notice served by Medway Council requiring them to cease all of the unauthorised uses on the site. The appeal will be dealt with at a hearing to be held at The Corn Exchange Rochester starting on 10th October.
Andrew and Jim will both be present at the appeal and they would be grateful if residents with any information that is relevant to email either or before the 10th October 2023. You can download the notice by clicking Appeal Notice.
Andrew and Jim attended the first day of the enquiry and Andrew spoke against the appeal lodged by the operators of the site. A decision will be forthcoming from the planning inspector in due course.