Medway Council Election Results - May 2023

The result of the Council elections on nthe 4th May 2023 were bitter sweet for Hempstead and Wigmore Council Candidates Andrew Lawrence and Jim Gilbourne. Having secured 60% (61% in 2019) of the vote and other Gillingham and Rainham Candidates also winning their contests the overall result was a win for Labour.

Andrew commented "Jim and I campaigned hard in this election by not taking our voters for granted. We had many great conversations with residents who raised valid points about our local services and the national situation." Jim added "The biggest issue by far is the threat of large scale development in the Capstone Valley and adjacent land which will fight with everything that we have. We are hoping that the new Labour Administration will make it clear that they will oppose any schemes to build in the valley."

Andrew and Jim will shortly publish the arrangements for meeting with residents and will publish weekly updates on their activities as Councillors.

Anyone who is interested in a more detailed analysis of the election result should visit Medway Elects

Elect Result - May 2023